SEB Head office interior

Type: Office interior

Status: Complete

Area: 12000 m²

Year: 2020

Location: Konstitucijos pr. 24, Vilnius, Lithuania


Chief Architect: Gilma Teodora Gylytė

Team: Gilma Teodora Gylytė, Marija Steponavičiūtė, Ieva Marija Malinauskaitė, Vadim Babij, Greta Varpučianskytė, Domantas Baltrūnas, Julija Čiapaitė-Jurevičienė, Sigita Pupšytė, Ignas Uogintas, Andrė Baldišiūtė, Sabina Grincevičiūtė, Algimantas Neniškis


Photos: Norbert Tukaj, DO ARCHITECTS


SEB bank interior is open to public. Amphitheater inside connects different floors and spaces in the building. This public space is a pedestrian street and a square with restaurant, coffee points, vending machines, alternative working places and bank service department. Amphitheater stairs and hanging terraces with trees, chairs and benches are for public events. The atmosphere is created by combining Nordic, Lithuanian and Swedish culture in our time. All the used materials are natural: wood, stone and rough plaster. Above the public space are work and leisure areas for the bank employees.