DO ARCHITECTS 2013 m. sukūrė keturi partneriai architektai: Andrė Baldišiūtė, Gilma Teodora Gylytė, Algimantas Neniškis ir Sabina Grincevičiūtė. Suburta profesionalių, įžvalgių, darbščių, smalsių, jautrių aplinkai, drąsių žmonių komanda dirba su sudėtingais ir kompleksiniais projektais, kuriais kuria gerąjį pokytį miestuose ir artimiausioje žmogaus aplinkoje. 2022 metais partnerių steigėjų gretas papildė trys nauji partneriai ilgamečiai komandos nariai - Vaiva Šimoliūnaitė, Kasparas Žiliukas ir Vadim Babij.

Pirmieji komandos projektai – miesto ant vandens gyvenvietė Svencelėje prie Kuršių marių, Klaipėdos laisvosios ekonominės zonos urbanistinė strategija bei Ogmios miesto teritorijos Vilniuje konversija, kuri buvo ir lig šiol yra viena didžiausių ir kompleksiškiausių miestietiškų viešųjų erdvių – aikščių, skverų, gatvių tinklo – konversija Lietuvoje.

Šiuo metu DO ARCHITECTS komanda vienija daugiau nei 50 architektų, urbanistų bei interjero architektų su tarptautine patirtimi Olandijoje, Danijoje, Kinijoje, Jungtinėje Karalystėje, Vokietijoje, Singapūre, Prancūzijoje ir kt.

Keturi DO ARCHITECTS įgyvendinti objektai buvo nominuoti Europos šiuolaikinės architektūros apdovanojimams „Mies van der Rohe awards”, penki įgyvendinti objektai tarptautinės komisijos sprendimu gavo pagrindinius prizus (1/5 metro) Lietuvos šiuolaikinės architektūros apdovanojimuose „Žvilgsnis į save“. Komandos projektai nuolat publikuojami Lietuvos ir užsienio medijoje.

DO ARCHITECTS 2022m. buvo nominuota DEZEEN metų apdovanojimuose kaip 1 iš 30 perspektyviausių ARCHITEKTŪROS STUDIJŲ pasaulyje!

DO ARCHITECTS was founded in 2013 by four partners-architects: Andrė Baldišiūtė, Gilma Teodora Gylytė, Algimantas Neniškis and Sabina Grincevičiūtė. In 2022 Vaiva Šimoliūnaitė-Čečkausienė, Kasparas Žiliukas and Vadim Babij joined as new partners. A team of professionals, insightful, hardworking, curious, sensitive to the environment, courageous people work complex projects, which create a significant and lasting changes in cities and the closest human environment.

The first projects of the team were the urban settlement of the city on the water in Svencelė near the Curonian Lagoon, the urban strategy of the Klaipėda free economic zone and the conversion of the Ogmia city area in Vilnius, which was and still is one of the largest and most complex conversions of urban public spaces - squares, squares, street network - in Lithuania.

Currently, the DO ARCHITECS team holds more than 50 architects, urban planners and interior architects with international experience in Holland, Denmark, China, the United Kingdom, Germany, Singapore, France, Spain.

DO ARCHITECTS has been nominated 4 times for Europe’s most prestigious „Mies van der Rohe Award“ for Contemporary Architecture, won 3 main prizes at annual Lithuanian Contemporary Architecture Awards „Žvilgsnis į save“. The team’s projects are regularly published in Lithuanian and foreign media.

DO ARCHITECTS has been nominated by DEZEEN as 1 of the 30 EMERGING STUDIO of the 2022 in the world!

Sabina Grincevičiūtė

Chief Architect / Managing & Founding Partner

00 370 699 74635

Sabina is the managing partner in the team. A long-time volunteer of various non-governmental organizations and LNTPA lecturer. Together with the team she develops the strategic, creative and business development of the DO ARCHITECTS studio. Public spaces, conversions, work with communities, design processes, teamwork, cooperation between the public, private and non-governmental sectors - related topics. Sabina vigorously brings people and organizations together to create positive urban impacts for everyday life.

Andrė Baldišiūtė

Chief Architect / Founding Partner

00 370 652 44828

Andrė is an active and visible representative of the young generation of Lithuanian architects, who concentrates attention to the team creative process and innovative ways of solving problems. "One architect cannot know everything, but a team can" is her main creative principle, and the ability to empower a team is one of her as architect's superpowers. Andrė leads with high aesthetic sense of architecture and creative visionary. Andrė is a member of the Council of the Lithuanian Chamber of Architects and a pioneering initiator of the Lithuanian Foundation of Architecture

Gilma Teodora Gylytė

Chief Architect / Founding Partner

00 370 670 14119

Gilma Teodora is a driving force in human oriented architecture, where she is pushing for innovative and tremendous changes in Lithuania. She is renowned for many creative yet mundane projects. She strongly believes that even largest scale developments must be designed in human scale. Gilma is an influential voice of a new generation of architects in Lithuania – she gives key-note speeches in public debates and lectures, international conferences and cultural institutions, writes articles on a meaningful topics. She leads projects which create significant positive impact and inspire others around.

Algimantas Neniškis

Chief Architect / Founding Partner

00 370 617 25218

Algimantas is ambitious and passionate in all things city urbanism. Always moving on bicycle Algimantas is able to see what precise changes need to be made to make a city into a happy city. His range of experience expand from visions of master plans and urban communal life to smooth sailing through architectural details and construction management. He can discover the potential and the poetics of space in existing as well as new spaces and is constantly helping people to redefine their views of what it means to live a quality life in the city.

Vaiva Šimoliūnaitė-Čečkauskienė


00 370 675 43795

Before joining the DO ARCHITECTS team in 2015, Vaiva Šimoliūnaitė worked for five years at the MirallesTagliabue EMBT architectural studio in Barcelona, Spain, where she was involved in international team projects, including the Spanish Pavilion at EXPO 2010 in Shanghai, China, and the Excellence Bamboo Highrise Tower in Shenzhen, China. She also spent some time working at STUDIO FUKSAS in Rome, where she was involved in designing the Tianfu Cultural Center in Chengdu, China. During her time at DO ARCHITECTS, Vaiva coordinated projects such as the redevelopment of the Ogmia City territories, the Misionierių namai multi-apartment residential complex, and the Acropolis Vingis multifunctional complex, among others.

Kasparas Žiliukas


00 370 620 28545

Kasparas Žiliukas is a long-time member of the DO ARCHITECTS team, who serves as an architect and project manager. He is also a teacher at the Department of Urban Planning at the Faculty of Architecture of Vilnius Gediminas University of Technology. K. Žiliukas has been honored with the prestigious Arno Dineika scholarship, and his final master's thesis in Tallinn was nominated as one of the best in the Baltic countries. He was also one of the winners of the 2015 Tallinn Architecture Biennale Prize. During his seven years at DO ARCHITECTS, Kasparas has made significant contributions to projects such as the Pilaitė Gymnasium in Vilnius, the Svencelė settlement on the water on the coast of the Curonian Lagoon, the Business Garden Vilnius office complex, and the redevelopment of the concrete factory territory, among others.

Vadim Babij


00 370 689 15965

Vadim Babij is an architect of Ukrainian descent who was raised in Klaipėda. He graduated in architecture from Napier University in Edinburgh, UK, and the University of Light Industry in Zhengzhou, China. In 2015, he joined the DO ARCHITECTS team and concurrently worked at the Laisné Roussel architecture studio in Paris, which collaborated with the renowned Sou Fujimoto Architects. During his time at DO ARCHITECTS, Vadim coordinated projects such as the Vinted office interiors in Vilnius, Amsterdam, and Berlin, the redevelopment of the Lelija territory, and the Pelėdziukas nursery-kindergarten interior in Pagiriai, among others. He is also a member of the "Rebuild the Wonderful" initiative for the reconstruction of Ukraine.